Package com.sun.faban.harness.agent

Agents for controlling remote systems and executing on remote systems.


Interface Summary
CmdAgent The methods in this interface are the public face of CmdAgent They are used by the CmdService class in the Engine.
FileAgent This is the interface that is implemented by the FileAgent.
FileService The methods in this interface are the public face of FileService They can be used by any remote object to access remote files.
OracleAgent Deprecated. Replaced by the services/tools infrastructure
ToolAgent The methods in this interface are the public face of all ToolAgents configured on the various machines.

Class Summary
AgentBootstrap Bootstrap class for the CmdAgent and FileAgent.
AgentSocketFactory This class implements the SocketFactory used by all machines in the SUT to communicate with the master-machine.
CmdAgentImpl CmdAgentImpl is the class that runs remote commands for the CmdService This implementation provides a robust means of running remote commands.
Download The benchmark loader is called by the command agent to download benchmarks to the agent machine in order to drive the workload without manually having to cope with distributing benchmark code.
FileAgentImpl This is the class that reads/writes files for remote objects.
OracleAgentImpl Deprecated. Replaced by the services/tools infrastructure
RemoteLogFormatter Formatter for formatting the logs to be sent to a log server.
RMIClassLoaderProvider The RMIClassLoaderProvider extends the RMIClassLoaderSpi and allows the agent to find the benchmark classes in-process.
ToolAgentImpl This class implements the ToolAgent interface.

Exception Summary
FileServiceException The FileServiceException indicates an error accessing the file from the file service.

Package com.sun.faban.harness.agent Description

Agents for controlling remote systems and executing on remote systems.