Package com.sun.faban.driver

All annotation types, exceptions, and facilities used in a driver - the main package to import for driver development.


Interface Summary
CustomMetrics Benchmarks that keep track of custom metrices will need to create a metrics class implementing this CustomMetrics interface.
CustomTableMetrics Benchmarks that keep track of custom metrices will need to create a metrics class implementing this CustomMetrics interface.

Class Summary
CustomMetrics.Element The custom metric element needed by the reporter.
DriverContext DriverContext is the point of communication between the developer-provided driver and the Faban driver framework.
HttpTransport The HttpTransport provides initialization services and utility methods for using the HTTP and HTTPS protocols.
Result The driver representation of the results, mainly used for fetching data from the main metrics for reporting in CustomMetrics.
Note that operations can and will be added as needed to query different aspects of the results.

Enum Summary
CycleType CycleType determines whether the cycleTime is to be interpreted as think time or arrival time.
RunControl The RunControl Enumeration defines whether the benchmark run is controlled by time or by the number of cycles.
Timing Sets the timing mode for the operation.

Exception Summary
ConfigurationException ConfigurationException indicates an invalid configuration or combination of configuration parameters.
DefinitionException DefinitionException reports an error in the BenchmarkDefinition, BenchmarkDriver, and BenchmarkOperation annotations.
ExpectedException An ExpectedException, signifies an exception condition which is expected.
FatalException A FatalException, when thrown from any driver code signifies that the run has encountered a fatal error.

Annotation Types Summary
Background Specifies simulated operations performed in the background without user initiation.
BenchmarkDefinition The BenchmarkDefinition annotation defines the benchmark.
BenchmarkDriver This annotation interface describes the parameters required when defining a benchmark driver.
BenchmarkOperation This annotation interface describes the parameters required when defining a benchmark operation.
FixedSequence This annotation specifies the benchmark operations are called in a fixed sequence without randomness.
FixedTime The FixedTime annotation defines a fixed cycle or think time.
FlatMix This annotation interface describes the parameters required when defining a flat mix.
FlatSequenceMix This annotation interface describes the parameters required when defining a flat sequence mix.
InitialDelay InitialDelay tells the driver to wait for a random amount of time up to the specified max before launching the first operation.
MatrixMix The MatrixMix allows describing the transition probabilities of a finite Markov chain as a right stochastic matrix (or just "stochastic matrix").
NegativeExponential NegativeExponential represents a negative exponential distribution for think or cycle time distribution.
OnceAfter Designates a method to be called only once, just after the end of the benchmark run.
OnceBefore Designates a method to be called only once, just before the start of the benchmark run.
OperationSequence The operation sequence defines a sequence of operations to be done once that sequence is selected.
Row The matrix mix row defines the operation and the selection weight after each operation.
Uniform The Uniform annotation defines a uniform distribution of the cycle or think times.

Package com.sun.faban.driver Description

All annotation types, exceptions, and facilities used in a driver - the main package to import for driver development.