Package com.sun.faban.driver.util.timermeter

The TimerMeter is the work of, and contributed by Michael Kuperberg
Institute for Program Structures and Data Organisation (IPD),
Faculty of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

The TimerMeter checks and reports the cost and granularity of the timer, the essential core of Faban's latency measurements.


Class Summary
MeasurementGroupsCluster A cluster which consists of key-value pairs that "aggregate" same-valued cluster elements.
StatisticalDescription A container for statistical values.
TimerMeter The TimerMeter code in large is a modification from Michael Kuperberg's TimerMeter work.

Package com.sun.faban.driver.util.timermeter Description

The TimerMeter is the work of, and contributed by Michael Kuperberg
Institute for Program Structures and Data Organisation (IPD),
Faculty of Informatics, University of Karlsruhe, Germany

The TimerMeter checks and reports the cost and granularity of the timer, the essential core of Faban's latency measurements. The results are used for deducting the timer cost from the latency. This essentially eliminates a small but systematic error from the resulting measurements. The impact on coarse-grained measurements, (at the second or millisecond level) are negligible. There is however some impact on very fine-grained measurements at the low microsecond level accuracy.